
The SZ Foundation is a private non-profit organization, constituted in September 2018 by Sara Zaldívar and Fernando Sarasola, and registered in the Foundations Registry of the Ministry of Culture. Its aims, collected statutorily, are the promotion of artistic creation and research in the field of fine arts.

One of the projects the foundation is developing is "El Núcleo" an artist residence located now at Yeguada El Espinar ( Segovia).

“El Núcleo” committee of experts (gallery owners, curators, collectors) chooses yearly a series of 3 to 6 artists that are invited to spend 1 to 2 at the residency. In this way, artists are nourished by the Spanish culture and in the same way contribute with their vision and work to enrich the Spanish artistic panorama.

In addition, the foundation is dedicated to teaching and research in the field of fine arts; and the convening of seminars, cycles of conferences, exhibitions and prizes of the various artistic disciplines. The registered office of the SZ Foundation is located in Madrid and the Residencia de Artistas in El Espinar (Segovia).