2021, is the third year of “EL NUCLEO”, and this are the three selected artists:
The Turk duo :mentalKLINIK in May, Colombian artist Miler Lagos in July and Pakistani artist Sudarshan Shetty in August.
"The artistic direction and the artists involved in the foundation, explore how the manipulation of
materials and mediums transform light and thus it´s effects on perception. “
:mentalKLINIK is a Brussels-based artist duo from Istanbul composed of Yasemin Baydar and Birol Demir who began their collaborative practice in 1998. The duo has a reactionary, open laboratory approach to process, production, roles, conception and presentation. This vocabulary gives their work a relationship with different references and background. Their work is a mix of oxymora and paradoxes, darkly humorous, self-contained and as much concerned with the total effect of accelerated capitalism as with the invisible politics and dynamics that define our everyday lives. :mentalKLINIK's oeuvre is droll and can look very playful and fun but at the same time, it is violent, abrasive and very questioning of the world we live in.
Know more about the artist here.
miler lagos
Miler Lagos (Colombia, 1973)
He reflects on the relationship between images and objects, content and container. Wood and paper have served as mediums for representing his interest in the intersection of nature and culture. There is a profound concern with studying the way human beings have modeled their space or has been modeled by environmental and geographic conditions. Moreover, there is an intention of raising awareness about conservation of the environment and how we gradually turn nature into a resource to inhabit, into raw material, into merely a vehicle.
Know more about the artist here.
Sudarshan Shetty (Mangalore, India, 1961)
Sudarshan Shetty Shetty initially trained as a painter, later turning to sculpture and installations which now account for all of his output. A conceptual artist, he is renowned for his enigmatic and often mechanised sculptural installations. His hybrid constructions question the fusion of Indian and Western traditions as well as exploring domestic concerns and the notion of movement.
Know more about the artist here.