In 2019, the first year of life of "El Núcleo" Artists Residence in El Espinar, Segovia (Spain) this four artists were invited.
"The artistic direction and the artists involved in the foundation, explore how the manipulation of materials and mediums
transform light and thus it´s effects on perception. “
Jong Oh's (Mauritania, 1982) artistic practice is quite particular since he does not use a studio but creates minimal sculptures in situ that respond to a given spatial situation. Responding to the nuanced configuration of each site, the artist constructs spatial structures by suspending and interconnecting a limited selection of materials: rope, chains, fishing wire, perspex, wooden and metal rods and painted threads. The elements of the work seem to float, and depending on the spatial relationship of the viewer with it these elements are connected and cross each other or appear as absolutely independent, suggesting additional dimensions to the simple three-dimensional space.
For more information click here.
Alicja Kwade lives and works in Berlin. (CV)
The work of Alicja Kwade investigates and questions the structures of our reality and our society and reflects on the perception of time in our daily life. His diverse practice is based on concepts of space, time, science and philosophy, takes shape in sculptural objects, videos and even photography. . His works belong to several international private and public collections.
For more information click here.
Gregor Hildebrandt lives and works in Berlín. (CV)
Gregor Hildebrandt’s signature mediums are cassette tape and vinyl, which he collages and assembles into apparently minimalist yet latently romantic paintings, sculptures and installations. Resting in silence behind the glossy surface of his analog aesthetics, which verges on black-and-white monochrome, music and cinema haunt his practice. Whether pictorial or sculptural, all his works contain pre-recorded materials, which are referenced in the titles.
For more information click here
Regine Schumann (Germany, 1961) lives and works in Cologne, Germany. She studied at the University of Visual Arts in Braunschweig under the professor and painter Roland Dörfler. (CV)
To understand Regine’s work it is fundamental to understand the important role that light plays in her art. She uses natural daylight as well as the artificial light of the night. She plays with traditional white light to which we are used to, but also with black light, which is a lot less familiar. These lights not only produce subtle changes in the objects that they touch, but they also transform and change our perception of the space in which they are.
For more information click here.